With over 90% of messages read within 3 minutes, just decide what your message is, type it up, then
send it to your customer. Results are.... immediate!
Customers Love It
We have a generation of consumers who primarily use text messaging to communicate
and most people text multiple times per day. So, we know most consumers are
comfortable and prefer text messaging as a way of receiving information.
Mobile phones are always within arm's reach. In fact, if we leave home without it, we will return to
get it.
Therefore, text messaging is a direct and immediate way to target and contact your customer.
Emails go unread, direct mail is discarded and who watches cable anymore? Text messages are quick
and free of clutter. How many text messages do you receive that you don't read?
Customers will opt-in for updates from companies they want to interact with. So, your message is not
getting lost in the swamp of junk mail and spam, it is being well
received by the right person. Thus, fostering a personal connection with your brand.